Droopy Eyelid

Common surgery performed by oculoplastic surgeons: Ptosis aka droopy eyelid

Common surgery performed by oculoplastic surgeons: Ptosis aka droopy eyelid

 Ophthalmologists that sub-specialise in eyelid surgery are known as oculoplastic surgeons. In addition to training in general ophthalmology, they need to do fellowships in well-known centres that specialise in eyelid surgery.  Ptosis is one of the most commonly performed lid surgery by oculoplastic surgeons. Ptosis or droopy eyelids surgery is caused by weakness of the muscle (the levator muscle) that open the eyes. Ptosis not only affects the patient’s look , in severe cases it can affect the vision by covering the pupil. There are many causes of Ptosis but most of them are caused by problems with the levator muscle which can be surgically corrected.  Dr Chua did his eye training in Oxford Eye Hospital (1997-2000) and did one year of eyelid training in South Thames Deanery, London.



眼睑下垂术是眼整形外科医生最常进行的眼睑手术之一。 眼睑下垂是由於打开眼睛的肌肉(提肌)无力所引起的。 在严重的情况下,眼睑下垂不仅会影响患者的容貌,也可能会遮盖瞳孔而影响视力。 眼睑下垂的原因很多,但大多数是由于提肛肌问题引起的,可以經过手术矫正。
